Donut is an open-source framework by the MagenTys team which is designed to produce clear and concise test execution reports over your unit, integration and acceptance tests. Donut currently supports any tool that produces gherkin json (ie. cucumber-jvm etc).
Live Demos => Only Scenarios Scenarios and Unit Tests Scenarios and Orphaned Unit Tests
You can either use Donut directly or check out the available plugins:
See what's new here
or download the latest release from: here
java -jar donut-<Version>.jar -s cucumber:/my/path/cucumber-reports -n myProjectName
or --projectName
is a mandatory parameter, and it should be the name of the project.
or --sourcedirs
is a mandatory parameter, and it should be a comma separated list of the paths to the directories that hold the generated result files.
Other parameters can also be specified as below:
Donut help
Usage: MagenTys Donut reports [options]
-s <value> | --sourcedirs <value>
Use --sourcedirs cucumber:/my/path/cucumber-reports -> Required, or Use --sourcedirs specflow:/my/path/specflow-reports,/my/nunit-reports
-o <value> | --outputdir <value>
Use --outputdir /my/path/output/donut
-p <value> | --prefix <value>
Use --prefix fileNamePrefix
-d <value> | --datetime <value>
Use --datetime yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm
-t <value> | --template <value>
Use --template default/light
--skippedFails <value>
Use --skippedFails true/false
--pendingFails <value>
Use --pendingFails true/false
--undefinedFails <value>
Use --undefinedFails true/false
--missingFails <value>
Use --missingFails true/false
-n <value> | --projectName <value>
Use --projectName myProject
-v <value> | --projectVersion <value>
Use --projectVersion 1.0
-c <value> | --customAttributes <value>
Use --customAttributes k1=v1,k2=v2...
default values:
- outputDir : by default a
folder will be generated - prefix : the generated file is
, however you can specify prefix i.e.myproject-
- datetime : refers to the start time of your execution. If not specified by the user reports will use
- template : donut supports 2 themes,
is the default value
- Maven
libraryDependencies += "io.magentys" % "donut" % "1.0"
- Gradle
compile 'io.magentys:donut:1.0'
Example usage of the Generator
ReportConsole report =
Generator.apply(sourceDirectory, outputDirectory, filePrefix, timestamp, template, countSkippedAsFailure,
countPendingAsFailure, countUndefinedAsFailure, countMissingAsFailure, projectName, projectVersion, customAttributes);
This will create an html
report at the outputDirectory and will return a ReportConsole
output object:
allFeatures: List[Feature]
allTags: List[ReportTag]
totalFeatures: Int
numberOfPassedFeatures: Int
numberOfFailedFeatures: Int
totalScenarios: Int
numberOfPassedScenarios: Int
numberOfFailedScenarios: Int
totalSteps: Int
numberOfPassedSteps: Int
numberOfFailedSteps: Int
numberOfSkippedSteps: Int
numberOfPendingSteps: Int
numberOfUndefinedSteps: Int
duration: String
buildFailed: Boolean
- install java 8+
- install scala 2.11+
- install SBT (
sbt "run-main io.magentys.donut.Boot -s cucumber:/my/path/cucumber-reports -n myProjectName"
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
- Highcharts
- handlebars-scala
We currently have plans to support:
- junit
- jasmine
- rspec
- jbehave
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request
This project is under an MIT license
Powered by: MagenTys