An introduction to analyzing microscopy images of stomata with PlantCV.
Read in image taken with any kind of camera or brightfield microscope and analyze for number of stomata, stomatal aperture, width, length, and more properties.
Create a Binder launch button:
- Copy the GitHub repo URL
- Go to
- Fill in the tutorial URL
- Copy the Markdown code for the button
- Delete these meta-instructions, optionally replace with your own.
- Launch to build the environment
Create a Google Colab button:
- Copy the GitHub repo URL
- Go to
- Fill in the tutorial URL and select 'Generate'
- Copy the HTML code for the button
- Launch to build environment
Create a GitHub Source button:
- Copy the GitHub repo URL
- Go to
- On the right-side panel, select +Show optional parameters
- Modify the parameters below to create a uniform button:
- badgecontent: Open on GitHub-black
- logo: github
- Select Markdown from the options of code.
- Modify the Markdown code to make it a clickable link using the following schema:
- [![Static Badge]( URL)](GitHub repo URL)
stomata, microscopy, count, aperture, conductance, interactive, click