
This is a simple node addon wrapper for libsword (http://crosswire.org/sword)

Primary LanguageC++


This is a small and simple node-addon wrapper for libsword from Crosswire.

This is a pre-alpha version so API will likely break in the future.


You need to install node-gyp first:

npm install -g node-gyp

Be sure to install libsword as well. After that you can build the sword-addon:

node-gyp configure build


See app.js for how to use the current API.

Every API call takes at least one argument, the callback.

var sword = require('./build/Release/sword-addon');

    //inError is null if there is no error.
    if(inError === null)
        //get a list of the remote Sources / Repositories
        sword.getRemoteSources(function (inError, inSources) {
            //inSources is a JSON String with a list of all repositories
            //get a list of all modules in a remote source (as JSON)
            sword.getRemoteModules({sourceName: JSON.parse(inSources)[0].name, refresh: true}, function (inError, inModules) {
                //[{name: "foo", lang: "en", about: "...", ...}, {...}]


sword-addon is licenced under the GNU GPLv3.