
Example flash-graphql-elm application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

About this project

This is an example application that displays a paginated list of users downloaded from reqres.in. It contains a Flask backend and Elm frontend communicating by GraphQL.


Download and install the project

Clone the project:

$ git clone https://github.com/zefciu/example_app.git

Create the virtualenv for the project:

$ virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.6 .virtualenv
$ . .virtualenv/bin/activate

Install the backend:

$ cd backend
$ pip install -e .

Run the test suite:

$ python setup.py test

Create database

Create a database for your project. E.g. when using PostgreSQL:

# CREATE DATABASE example_app WITH OWNER your_username;

Migrate the database. Ensure that config.yaml points to an existing database. Then call:

$ alembic upgrade head

Download the data:

$ example_app_sync

Run the backend

$ cd ..
$ bin/runserver

You can now navigate to to with a browser or a client like Graphiql to browse the API

Generate the Schema

Without stopping the server, open another console and call:

$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ sudo npm install -g npx
$ cd ..
$ bin/generate_schema

This would generate a directory in frontend/src/Schema containing Elm types based on your graphql.

Run the frontend

$ cd frontend
$ sudo npm install -g elm
$ sudo npm install -g elm-live
$ elm-live src/Main.elm -- --output=elm.js

Navigate your browser to

Production environment

Note that for production environment you should:

  • Serve the backend via WSGI and some production-grade server (like gunicorn)
  • Compile the elm.js file and serve it statically
  • Reconfigure config.yaml to reflect you configuration