
sync files from google cloud storage to an sftp server

Primary LanguagePython

GCS to SFTP File Dropper

This Cloud Function will listen to a GCS bucket, then sync any newly written files to an SFTP server of your choice.


  1. Create a Service Account that contains the following permissions:
  • Secret Manager Secret Accessor
  • Storage Admin
  1. Load your SSH key or SFTP password to Secrets Manager and note the name used (in the example below, sftp-secret)
echo -n "my super secret data" | gcloud secrets create sftp-secret \
    --replication-policy=automatic \
  1. Create a file called .env.yml in this directory that contains the following, replacing SECRET_NAME with the name of the secret you created in Step 2 and filling in the appropriate username and SFTP host.
SECRET_NAME: sftp-secret
USERNAME: my-username
SFTP_HOST: hostname
BASE_DIR: '' # Custom base directory for files in SFTP
  1. (Optional) Create a VPC Connector. If you need access to an SFTP server that uses private IP address or is on-premise, you can create a VPC Connector for this function.
  • Use the console to configure or
  • Run the following:
gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors create [CONNECTOR_NAME] \
--network [VPC_NETWORK] \
--region [REGION] \
--range [IP_RANGE]
  1. Set variables for the GCS bucket you'll sync files to, and for the username created in Step 1.
export BUCKET_NAME=<bucket name, do not include gs://>
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT=<service account created above>
  1. Deploy the GCS function.
gcloud functions deploy sftp-dropper \
  --source=./src/ \
  --env-vars-file .env.yml \
  --entry-point main \
  --runtime python37 \
  --memory 2048MB \
  --timeout 540s \
  --trigger-resource "${BUCKET_NAME}" \
  --trigger-event google.storage.object.finalize \
  --service-account "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \ 


You can test by dropping a file into your bucket, or by triggering a test in the console using the following trigger event:
