
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux lite

A super simple implementation of Redux, as well as ImmutableJS (but using POJSOs — Plain Old JavaScript Objects).

Code organization

This repo uses Webpack and BabelJS to compile JSX + CommonJS modules to plain JS.

  • src/: Core source files:
    • immutable-lite.js: ImmutableJS-like API, but using plain-old JS objects
    • redux-lite.js: A simplified version of redux
  • src/sample: A sample application using these libraries
  • test/: Tests for core source files:
    • immutable-lite.js: tests for immutable-lite
    • redux-lite: tests for redux-lite
  • test/sample: Tests for the sample application
    • store.js: Test for the sample store

Redux-lite API

  • Store one store to rule them all
    • constructor: new Store(initialState, rootReducer, debug)
      • initialState a POJSO representing the initial application state.
      • rootReducer a function taking two arguments: oldState and action and returning a new state object
    • dispatch(action): dispatches an action onto the store
    • getState(): retrieves the current application state
  • connect(RootComponent, store): returns a new version of the RootComponent, but attached to the store. The RootComponent received two extra properties (in this.props):
    • state containing the current application state
    • dispatch a reference to the dispatch function to dispatch new actions.

Check src/sample for an example.

Immutable-lite API

This library has no dependencies (no dependency on React add-ons either), it's 100% self-contained.

  • update: Implements the update function described here
  • The rest of the functions all have two versions:
    1. xSpec: returns a spec to te passed into update to work
    2. x: applies the change to the given value
  • These functions are:
    • setIn(o, path, value) returns a new version of o with value set under path, for instance setIn({person: {name: 'A'}}, ['person', 'name'], 'B') will return {person: {name: 'B'}}.
    • applyIn(o, path, fn)
    • pushIn(o, path, values)
    • unshiftIn(o, path, values)
    • mergeIn(o, path, value)
  • mergeSpecs(specs) can be used to merge multiple update specs and apply them at once though update.

To run the sample

Clone this repo, then run:

npm install

Afterwards, to run the development server:

npm run dev

Then open http://localhost:8080/sample/

Or, to build the sample into out/:

npm run build

To build a production-ready minified version into out/:

npm run build:production

To run unit tests:

npm test