
Final Project

Table of Contents


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  • Goals

    • Link to Goals Documentation can be found Here
  • Development

    • Link to Development Documentation can be found Here
  • Team Contracts

    • Link to Team Contracts can be found Here
  • Results

    • Link to Results can be found Here


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To setup this project, clone the repository locally using the command

git clone

then cd into the newly made directory to be able to utilize the commands in the How to Build section.


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Three main features are accessible within the project with a bit of customizability for each:

  1. The usage of Pagerank on any given .tsv file (although Pagerank won't make sense for a variety of datasets)
  2. The usage of BFS on any given .tsv file (i.e. a full traversal can be returned for a valid file)
  3. The usage of Dijkstra's Algorithm to find the shortest "article path" between two given articles. This basically returns a path (given that it exists) of articles that if visited in order will take you from the starting article to the ending article.
  • Note: Defaults have been provided for all 3 of these functions, as well as extra .tsv files located in /test if those are desired.

  • Note 2: .tsv files have two formats which are supported! One in which each line is tab separated with two entries one for vertex1 and one for vertex2 (i.e. each row looks like vertex1 vertex2). A second supported format is for using weighted graphs, where the weights are included as an entry in the same row as vertex1 and vertex2 (i.e. each row looks like vertex1 vertex2 weight). Since Dijkstra's Algorithm is the only one utilizing weights, that is the only one for which this implementation will make sense.

Example .tsv structure:


Vertex1 Vertex2
Vertex1 Vertex3


Vertex1 Vertex2 1
Vertex1 Vertex3 2

How to Build (with execution examples)

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To build the file, use the command:


make will also create a /Outputs/ folder where the outputs of our program will be saved as .txt files.

To clean the directory of any unwanted executibles and object files use the command:

make clean

There are 4 main commands that can be run after building the main executable from the main command:

./main dijkstras [file] [source] [dest] [weighted]
./main pagerank [file] [top]
./main bfs [file] [start]

The command ./main will default to running all 3 algorithms with the randomized arguments to display the full program's functionalities and takes no arguments.

The command ./main dijkstras [file] [source] [dest] [weighted] will run the shortest-path algorithm (Dijkstra's algorithm) only given the required arguments in order of [file] which is the .tsv dataset, [source] which is a string of the starting article (i.e. "United States" is a valid source for the default .tsv since it is an article name), and finally [dest] which is a string of the ending article (similar to the starting article in requirements). This will return the article path from the [source] article to the [dest] article. [weighted] is based on the format of tsv file that is passed in, to trigger the [weighted] flag just pass in any value for this position.

Note on Dijkstras: If your [file] is an unweighted .tsv, and the [weighted] flag is set, the results will be inaccurate. Similarly, if your [file] is a weighted .tsv, and the [weighted] flag is not set, the results will also be inaccurate.

The command ./main pagerank [file] [top] will run the Pagerank algorithm given the required arguments in order of [file] which is the .tsv dataset, and [top] which is an integer n that implies that the program should return the top n-articles that have the highest probability of being visited from the given file.

The command ./main bfs [file] [start] will run the Graph Breadth-First Search algorithm given the required argument of [file] which is the .tsv dataset and [start] which is the starting article of vertex for the BFS traversal. This returns a full traversal of the provided dataset/graph with the path described by the vertices/articles traversed.

The results from program execution will be stored in an Outputs/ folder as a .txt. This folder is generated by make.

  • Note: Ensure that the arguments for the commands are supplied in order with correct data types and also that the path to the file that you are passing in is correct and relative to your current working directory. If there are any problems (incorrect input), the program will terminate and not run. If an invalid filename has been selected, there is a chance the program will enter an infinite loop.

  • Warning: Running valgrind --leak-check=full ./main can take over 20minutes to run.

./main pagerank decoded_links.tsv 5
Success: Please Examine the Contents of the Outputs Folder in your Directory to find your Results!
Ending Execution

// Results written to pagerank_result.txt
./main bfs ./tests/connected_graph.tsv Latin
Invalid Start Article. Please ensure that this Article is within the Dataset!
Ending Execution

./main bfs ./tests/connected_graph.tsv A
Success: Please Examine the Contents of the Outputs Folder in your Directory to find your Results!
Ending Execution

// Results written to bfs_result.txt
./main dijkstras decoded_links.tsv Esox Blokus

There appears to be no path from Esox to Blokus within the graph.
Please try again, using different Start and End Points!

./main dijkstras decoded_links.tsv Actuary ROT13

Success: Please Examine the Contents of the Outputs Folder in your Directory to find your Results!
Ending Execution

// Results written to dijkstras_result.txt
./main dijkstras ./tests/complex_graph_weights.tsv D I w

Success: Please Examine the Contents of the Outputs Folder in your Directory to find your Results!
Ending Execution

// Results written to dijkstras_result.txt


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The code provides a wide variety of tests for the various functions within the program. To run them and see the resulting account of success and failure use the command:

make test

to build them, and then run the test executible using:


The tests that will be run are located within the tests folder of the project, along with many of the sample graphs that are useable as ./main args.

Project Structure

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  • Preprocessing and Test Generation

    We used python to preprocess our dataset as well as generate some of our PageRank tests. For more information, please see the included Jupyter notebook, graph_prep.ipynb in the root folder.

  • Algorithms Namespace

    • Dijkstra's Shortest-Path Algorithm
    • Graph Breadth-First Search Algorithm
    • Page-Rank Algorithm
  • Graph Class

    • Adjacency List Graph Implementation
    • Adjacency-Matrix supplement for PageRank
    • String Type-Definition Vertex Implementation
    • Edge inner struct