
A JavaFX GUI application that displays a 4 x 5 grid of album covers based on a keyword search for an artist or music genre.

iTunes Gallery App


This is GUI application that I built using JavaFX that displays a 4 x 5 grid of album covers based on a keyword search for an artist or music genre. The results are based on the query to the iTunes Search API. Java threads were used to keep the GUI responsive through user interaction.

This application was created for a software development class (CSCI 1302) at UGA. Since this is still an actively assigned project for the course, the source files are not included in this repository. An executable JAR file for the application is included.

Essential Tools Utilized

    The Google GSON library was used to parse the JSON response from the iTunes Search API and extract album cover URLs
    CSS was used for creating the various themes for the application

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