
Important Framer X tips and workflows

Framer X Cookbook

This is a list of short and useful Framer X tips to build impressive prototypes.

How to share data between components using override?

import { Data, Override } from "framer"

const data = Data({
    text: "Overview",

export const TextChange: Override = props => {
    return {
        onValueChange: (text: string) => {
            data.text = text

export const GetText: Override = el => {
    let page = 0
    if (data.text == "Overview") page = 1
    if (data.text == "Interaction") page = 2

    return {
        page: page,

How to detect if a component has children nodes?

const hasChildren = (children: React.ReactNode) =>

How to import JSON files with data?

// Add the follow code in tsconfig.json file
"compilerOptions": {
  "resolveJsonModule:" true

How to use a design component structure inside your code component?

  import { componentName } from './canvas'; 

How to wrap a installed component with your code component

import { Component } from '@framer/componentname/code/File.js'

static defaultProps = { 

// Reuse the propertyControls from the imported component
static propertyControls: PropertyControls = { 

render() { 
  return <Component {...this.props}>

How to use REST API inside a code component:

loadData = async () => {
  const url = "http://url"
  const result = await fetch(url)
  const result = await result.json()
  this.setState({ result })

componentDidMount = () => { 

How to use GraphQL api inside a code component:

import { request } from 'graphql-request'

loadData = async () => {
  const url = "http://url"
  const query =`
    query { 
  const result = await request(url, query)
  this.setState({ result })

componentDidMount = () => { 

How to install a npm package

  1. File > Show Project Folder
  2. Open the path in terminal and install the the package