Go Testing


  • All of our tests must have the format _test.go
  • Test files should be in the same package as your code.
  • In Go all tests go inside a file named similar to the file you are testing. So if you want to test code in main.go, then you write the tests in main_test.go
  • In the test file we will always need to import the testing package. (Build-in package)
  • There is the following signature for every test you write, func TestXxx(*testing.T), where the first X MUST be Uppercase.
  • Calls t.Error or t.Fail to indicate a failure (I called t.Errorf to provide more details)
  • t.Log can be used to provide non-failing debug information

Some useful commands

Test commands

- go test
- go testv 
- go testrun  "TestName"

Coverage commands & Visualization

- go testcover
- go testcovercoverprofile=c.out
- tool coverhtml=c.outo coverage.html

Unit Testing

Basic Test

  • Log or Logf : Write documentation out into the log output.
  • Error or Errorf: Write documentation and also say that this test is failed but we are continue moving forward to execute code in this test.
  • Fatal or Fatalf : Similarly, document that this test is failed but we are done. We move on to the next test function.
  • "Given, When, Should" format
  • Given: Why are we writing this test?
  • When: What data are we using for this test?
  • Should: When are we expected to see it happen or not happen?

Table Test

  • Set up a data structure of input to expected output.
  • This way we don't need a separate function for each one of these. We just have 1 test function.
  • As we go along, we just add more to the table.

Sub Test

  • Sub test helps us streamline our test functions, filters out command-line level big tests into smaller sub tests.


  • stretchr/testify one of the most popular go testing library (link: https://github.com/stretchr/testify)
  • to install :
      go get github.com/stretchr/testify
  • easy assertion
    -> assert.Equal(t, Calculate(2), 4)
    -> assert.NotEqual(t, Calculate(2), 5)
    -> assert.Nil(status)
    -> assert.NotNil(object)
  • mockery provides the ability to easily generate mocks for golang interfaces using the stretchr/testify/mock package. -> to install :
     go get github.com/vektra/mockery/.../
    -> to generate mock :
     mockery -name "<interfaceToMock>"


  • Ginkgo builds on Go's testing package, allowing expressive Behavior-Driven Development ("BDD") style tests.
  • It is typically (and optionally) paired with the Gomega matcher library. -> to install ginkgo & gomega:
     go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
     go get github.com/onsi/gomega/...
  • General format:
        Describe("the strings package", func() {
        Context("strings.Contains()", func() {
            When("the string contains the substring in the middle", func() {
            It("returns `true`", func() {
                Expect(strings.Contains("Ginkgo is awesome", "is")).To(BeTrue())