
This is my learning notes for book <i>Computer System- A Programmer's Perspective</i>

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Computer System - A Programmer's Perspective Learning Notes


This is a repository for the book Computer System- A Programmer's Perspective. This book doesn't contains much code. However, I still record the code for my learning process. Most of them are assembled code, for Chapter3. Also, I added the labs for this book which is provided by CMU, with my own answers to these labs. Also, I've written some solutions and explanation to these labs. You can view these through links below.


Learning Notes:

1⃣️ 优化程序性能笔记 (Corresponding to Chapter 5)

2⃣️ 存储器层次结构笔记 (Corresponding to Chapter 6)

Lab Solutions:

1⃣️ Data lab(two complements arithmetic)

2⃣️ 深入理解计算机系统-bomb_lab

3⃣️ 深入理解计算机系统attack_lab


I would appreciated it much if you find some problems with my code and point them out. What's more, If you have some problems with this book, just open an issue and I'll try my best to help you.😊