
[ACM MM2022, Arxiv2023] Graph-DETR Series for Multi-View 3D Object Detection

Primary LanguagePython


Graph-DETR4D: Spatio-Temporal Graph Modeling for Multi-View 3D Object Detection

Zehui Chen, Zheng Chen, Zhenyu Li, Shiquan Zhang, Liangji Fang, Qinhong Jiang, Feng Zhao.


If you want to run Graph-DETR3D, please check to graph-detr3d branch.


Nuscenes Validation Set

Model mAP NDS
DETR3D 28.9 34.2
Graph-DETR3D 32.2 38.1
Graph-DETR4D 34.2 44.5

Nuscenes Test Leaderboard

Model mAP NDS
DETR3D 41.2 47.9
Graph-DETR3D 42.5 49.5
Graph-DETR4D 54.1 62.0


If you find our work useful for your research, please consider citing the paper

  title={Graph-DETR4D: Spatio-Temporal Graph Modeling for Multi-View 3D Object Detection},
  author={Chen, Zehui and Chen, Zheng and Li, Zhenyu and Zhang, Shiquan and Fang, Liangji and Jiang, Qinhong and Zhao, Feng},