
use your wechat moments to generate wordcloud

Primary LanguagePython

WeChat Moments WordCloud


This simple tool uses your wechat moments to generate wordCloud. You can have your own weChat moment WordCloud like this:


  • pip3 install requests
  • pip3 install PIL
  • pip3 install jieba
  • pip3 intall matplotlib
  • pip3 install wordcloud
  • 出书啦

How to Use

Step 1:

follow wechat public user: 出书啦, then it will give you a url:

All you need to do is to recite the list of numbers in the red rectangle, which is the bookid we need to input afterwards.

Step 2:

Make sure that you've already installed the libraries mentioned in requirement.

Step 3:

Clone this repository to any folder. If you want your wordcloud has some fantasy shapes, you should move your mask picture into this folder. I've put one mask picture(favicon.png) here, you can also use it.

Step 4:

Run the following commands in your terminal:
chmod +x posts.py ./posts.py

Then just input your information based on the tips printed on the terminal.
