
Demos for showing modern web development using PyCharm

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Webinar Table of Contents

This repo contains the script for each step in the Polyglot PyCharm webinar. The code for each step is in numbered branches in the repo.

00 Initial App

Let's start with a Flask "ToDo JS MVC" app:

  • Flask/SQLAlchemy backend with flask-restless
  • Serving HTML that uses jQuery as a "single-page app"

Note: jQuery is chosen to avoid explaining a Reat/Angular/Ember decision.


  • Make a virtualenv
  • In terminal, source env35/bin/activate
  • pip install flask-restless flask-sqlalchemy
  • Review run_server.py
  • Run run_server.py
  • Review everything in todo/*
  • Explain run configuration

01 Delete

Very similar, but let's add "Delete" from "CRUD", to show that PyCharm can hack JS/HTML nicely.


  • index.html: Add <button> for delete
  • todo.js: Add change handler for delete

02 Packaging

Python has infrastructure for installing libraries with dependencies. JavaScript does as well, based on npm.

package.json is like setup.py + requirements.txt + Manifest.in + setup.cfg + setuptools commands


  • Learn about browser-dev tooling using the NodeJS universe
  • Convenient way to get all dependencies
  • Reproducible builds


  • npm init --yes
  • npm install --save jquery
  • We skip bootstrap for this webinar, not packaging CSS
  • Show node_modules
  • views.py: Serve node_modules as /lib
  • index.html: Load jquery from to <script src="/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.js">
  • Remove unused todo/static/jquery

03 Better Linting

PyCharm gives good Python linting. Out of the box, it gives decent JS linting, but can be taught to do better with eslint.


  • Show more JS tooling and its support in PyCharm
  • Better, more configurable linting with eslint
  • Prep for linting on newer JS features


  • Install eslint with PyCharm Preferences, remember --save-dev in options
  • Show package.json devDependencies and explain, like Python dependency groupings
  • Create .eslintrc
  • PyCharm preferences
  • .eslintrc: Change from single to double, show warnings in todo.js

04 npm run Commands

Task automation, such as running a linter, starting a development server, or pushing a release, can be done in npm "run scripts".


  • package.json: Change to "lint": "eslint todo/static/*.js"
  • Terminal: npm run lint
  • Surround Resig template engine with /*eslint-disable */ /*eslint-enable */
  • package.json: right-click and run from PyCharm
  • Fix error, re-run

05 Frontend split from backend with CORS

Let's physically move our frontend out of the backend using CORS, and serve our static assets using the frontend toolchain.


  • Let the UI rev on a different track than REST API
  • In next step, leads to better frontend development experience


  • Preferences -> install flask-cors

  • todo/__init__.py

    • from flask.ext.cors import CORS
    • CORS(app)
  • mkdir app

  • Drag-drop templates/index.html app

  • Drag-drop static/* app

  • index.html: Fix jQuery reference to ../node_modules

  • todo.js

  • From root: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888

06 ES6 Modules with Babel and Webpack

Big jump: into ES6 using Babel for "transpiling" and Webpack for bundling.


  • Change PyCharm Preference for JS to Ecmascript 6

  • npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015

  • npm install webpack webpack-dev-server babel-loader --save-dev

  • Create webpack.config.js

  • index.html: Change to bundle.js

  • app.js and todo.js:

    • Remove IIFE
    • Import jQuery
  • app.js

    • import initToDo from './todo'
    • At end: initToDo(document);
    • Move this.tmpl inside document ready since document isn't global any more
  • todo.js

    • import $ from 'jquery';
    • export default function (document) {
    • var template = document.tmpl('list_todos');
  • Run Python server, see that "document" is a problem

  • package.json: "start": "webpack-dev-server --content-base app/"

  • Stop Python web server, npm start

  • Show changing some JS, auto-reload

  • Re-arrange windows to have side-by-side

07 Pythonic ES6

Modules are a Pythonic addition to ES6. Let's look at some more:

  • Multiline, parameterized strings
  • Array methods
  • Classes


  • String literals and array methods replace jQuery templating engine

    • Function for renderToDo (todo)

    • Make the string literal inside

    • Replace todos[i] with todo

    • In render:

              .map(todo => renderTodo(todo))
    • var template not needed, so 'document' doesn't have to be passed in

    • app.js: get rid of this.tmpl

  • A class that gets returned

    • Constructor assigns this.todos, this.newValue and this.todoList, then calls render

    • Move renderTodo to a method

    • refresh

      • Convert to arrow function for lexical this

Another Time

  • More ES6-as-Python

    • Rest paramaters and spread operator
    • Iterators and generators
    • Type hinting and interfaces via TypeScript
    • ES7: Decorators, async/await
  • Chrome debugging, from PyCharm

  • Headless TDD with Mocha, next time