
implement https://github.com/buriburisuri/speech-to-text-wavenet.git with tensorflow 1.12.0

Primary LanguagePython

Speech-to-Text-WaveNet2 : End-to-end sentence level English speech recognition using DeepMind's WaveNet

A tensorflow implementation of speech recognition based on DeepMind's WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio. (Hereafter the Paper)

The architecture is shown in the following figure.

(Some images are cropped from [WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio](https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.03499) and [Neural Machine Translation in Linear Time](https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.10099))


Current Version :

  • demo
  • test
  • train
  • train model


  1. tensorflow >= 1.12.0
  2. librosa
  3. glog
  4. nltk

If you have problems with the librosa library, try to install ffmpeg by the following command. ( Ubuntu 14.04 )

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get -y install ffmpeg


Audio was augmented by the scheme in the Tom Ko et al's paper. (Thanks @migvel for your kind information)



python ***.py --help

to get help when you use ***.py

Create dataset

  1. Download and extract dataset(only VCTK support now, other will coming soon)
  2. Assume the directory of VCTK dataset is f:/speech, Execute
python tools/create_tf_record.py -input_dir='f:/speech'

to create record for train or test


  1. Rename config/config.json.example to config/english-28.json
  2. Execute
python train.py

to train model.



python test.py

to evalute model.


1.Download pretrain model(buriburisuri model) and extract to 'release' directory


python demo.py -input_path 

to transform a speech wave file to the English sentence. The result will be printed on the console.

For example, try the following command.

python demo.py -input_path=data/demo.wav -ckpt_dir=release/buriburisuri

The result will be as follows:

please scool stella

The ground truth is as follows:


As mentioned earlier, there is no language model, so there are some cases where capital letters, punctuations, and words are misspelled.

Pretrained models

  1. buriburisuri model : convert model from https://github.com/buriburisuri/speech-to-text-wavenet.

Future works

  1. try to tokenlize the english label with nltk
  2. train with all punctuation
  3. add attention layer

Other resources

  1. buriburisuri's speech-to-text-wavenet
  2. ibab's WaveNet(speech synthesis) tensorflow implementation
  3. tomlepaine's Fast WaveNet(speech synthesis) tensorflow implementation

Namju's other repositories

  1. SugarTensor
  2. EBGAN tensorflow implementation
  3. Timeseries gan tensorflow implementation
  4. Supervised InfoGAN tensorflow implementation
  5. AC-GAN tensorflow implementation
  6. SRGAN tensorflow implementation
  7. ByteNet-Fast Neural Machine Translation


If you find this code useful please cite us in your work:

Kim and Park. Speech-to-Text-WaveNet. 2016. GitHub repository. https://github.com/buriburisuri/.


Namju Kim (namju.kim@kakaocorp.com) at KakaoBrain Corp.

Kyubyong Park (kbpark@jamonglab.com) at KakaoBrain Corp.