Block Change

  • a full stack crowdfunding app for humanitarian causes that is built on the blockchain with an actual test ethereum blockchain

Main Page Alt text

Donation Page Alt text

Tech Stack

  • React, Redux, Node, Express, Ethereum util libraries, PostgresSQL

Team Members

  • Ming Feng, Shawn Feng, Carlo Las Marias, Karel Luwena, Yvonne Zhang


  1. npm install or yarn install
  2. Install Ethereum testnet: npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc


Development Environment

Start DB

  1. Start DB: npm run db
  • Stop DB: npm run db:stop
  1. Seed DB: npm run db:seed

Start Servers

  1. Run Ethereum testnet: npm run ethereum
  2. Run webpack build to generate front end: npm run build
  3. Run server: npm run start => http://localhost:3000

Alternative Front End: For React Debugging

  1. Start front-end dev server (web-dev-server): npm run start:wds => http://localhost:1337
  • Note: main server still required


  1. Run build: npm run build:prod
  2. Run server: npm run start:prod
