Zejia LIN (林泽佳)

Zejia Lin(林泽佳)

I am a second-year Ph.D. student of Computer Science at Sun Yat-sen University mentored by Assoc. Prof. Xianwei Zhang. I completed bachelor degree at Northwestern Polytechnical University. My research interests focus on optimizing heterogeneous systems. Look over my résumé for more details.


LCTES'24 PDF Slides MixPert: Optimizing Mixed-Precision Floating-Point Emulation on GPU Integer Tensor Cores (To appear)
Zejia Lin, Aoyuan Sun, Xianwei Zhang, and Yutong Lu.
ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems.

ICCD'23 PDF Slides KeSCo: Compiler-based Kernel Scheduling for Multi-task GPU Applications
Zejia Lin#, Zewei Mo#, Xuanteng Huang, Xianwei Zhang, and Yutong Lu.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.

CF'22 PDF Slides moTuner: A Compiler-based Auto-tuning Approach for Mixed-precision Operators
Zewei Mo, Zejia Lin, Xianwei Zhang, and Yutong Lu.
ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers.

# Equal contribution.


  • [Spring 2023]. Teaching assistant of DCS290/292: Compilation Principle, Sun Yat-sen University
  • [2021.07 -- 2021.09]. Backend develop intern at Wechat Pay, Tencent (Shenzhen).


  • [2022, 2023]. First Class Scholarship, Sun Yat-sen University.
  • [2018 -- 2021]. First Class Scholarship, Northwestern Polytechnical University.
  • [2020]. Second Price, CCCC Wechat Mini Program Development.