[NeurIPS 2023] The PyTorch Implementation of Scheduled (Stable) Weight Decay.
- Alan-zhong
- AlphaSeekerLiCambridge
- Britton-LiXJTU, CASIA
- Cuda-ChenSeeking for opportunities
- el-mouatasimOuarzazate - Morocco
- FedericoDiMarzoPulse Audition
- guanfuchenZhejiang University
- hadaev8AMAI (AI Interaction Corp)
- justchenhaoShanghai AI Lab
- LenaDuCarnegie Mellon University
- love-yiyi
- lyn-rgb
- Madaoer
- MancheryTsinghua University
- MARD1NOSiliconFlow
- matthew-yang97Tokyo
- MenxLiWuhan University
- PaParaZz1@opendilab
- pgsrv
- pigpub
- qazcy1983
- Sabrina1043
- santoshyshah
- Sara233xiaomi.com
- tattaka
- techmonsterwangThe University of HongKong
- toby-pNew York
- ultranity
- uuup111
- xgxg1314
- YilinLiu97University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- youknowwho-huobi
- YWU726
- zccymanwondertek
- zeke-xie
- zhijlXidian University