
Display output from `standard` as a list of style errors, ordered by count.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This CLI module displays output from standard as a list of style errors, ordered by count.

For alternative formats, see standard-tap, standard-json, and standard-reporter.


Install standard and standard-summary globally with npm:

npm install standard standard-summary --global


cd into your favorite javascript project, then pipe the output of standard into standard-summary:

$ cd my/project
$ standard | standard-summary

5966   Extra semicolon
1615   Missing space before function parentheses
318    Strings must use singlequote
55     Return statement should not contain assignment
38     Expected { after 'if' condition
24     Expected '===' and instead saw '=='
23     Missing '()' invoking a constructor
17     Block must not be padded by blank lines
16     Unexpected trailing comma
13     Multiple spaces found before '+='
12     The '__proto__' property is deprecated
10     Expected space(s) after "catch"


npm install
npm test


  • concat-stream: writable stream that concatenates strings or binary data and calls a callback with the result
  • pad: Left and right string padding

Dev Dependencies




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