Before installing ACEO Tweaks, install ACEO Mod Loader.

Tweaks Core is required for all submods. It enables sub mods to communicate with each other. It has no fuinstionality without submods.

Tweaks core may be installed automatically by subscribing to the steam release

Tweaks core can be installed manually from the git release to your ACEO install root folder\plugins. The git release includes all submods, simply delete the .dll for any sub mods you don't want installed.

  • Tweaks Aircraft is the first tweaks submod. It enables ACEO to load custom aircraft typed found in the ACEO tweaks aircraft pack, or, in the future, in individual mods. It includes some changes and improvments to the vanilla aircraft fleet that will be required for future mods.

  • Future tweaks submods will eventually implimnet all functionality of the original legacy tweaks.