
This repo contains experiments for local editing in Diffusion Models

Primary LanguagePython

Local editing in diffusion models


Our codebase is built on CompVis/stable-diffusion and has shared dependencies and model architecture.

Creating a Conda Environment

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate pnp-diffusion

Downloading StableDiffusion Weights

Download the StableDiffusion weights from the CompVis organization at Hugging Face (download the sd-v1-4.ckpt file), and link them:

mkdir -p models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/
ln -s <path/to/model.ckpt> models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model.ckpt 

Setting Experiment Root Path

The data of all the experiments is stored in a root directory. The path of this directory is specified in configs/pnp/setup.yaml, under the config.exp_path_root key.

Feature Extraction

For generating and extracting the features of an image, first set the parameters for the translation in a yaml config file. An example of extraction configs can be found in configs/pnp/feature-extraction-generated.yaml for generated images and in configs/pnp/feature-extraction-real.yaml for real images. Once the arguments are set, run:

python run_features_extraction.py --config <extraction_config_path>

For real images, the timesteps at which features are saved are determined by the save_feature_timesteps argument. Note that for running PnP with T sampling steps for real images, you need to run the extraction with save_feature_timesteps = T (since we're sampling with 999 steps for reconstructing the real image, we need to specify the timesteps at which features are saved).

After running the extraction script, an experiment folder is created in <exp_path_root>/<source_experiment_name>, where source_experiment_name is specified by the config file. The experiment directory contains the following structure:

- <source_experiment_name>
    - feature_maps         # contains the extracted features
    - predicted_samples    # predicted clean images for each sampling timestep
    - samples              # contains the generated/inverted image
    - translations         # PnP translation results
    - z_enc.pt             # the initial noisy latent code
    - args.json            # the config arguments of the experiment

For visualizing the extracted features, see the Feature Visualization section.

Running PnP

For running PnP, first set the parameters for the translation in a yaml config file. An example of PnP config can be found in configs/pnp/pnp-generated.yaml for generated images and in configs/pnp/pnp-real.yaml for real images. Once the arguments are set, run:

python run_pnp.py --config <pnp_config_path>

In the config parameters, you can control the following aspects in the translation:

  • Structure preservation can be controlled by the feature_injection_threshold parameter (a higher value allows better structure preservation but can also leak details from the source image, ~80% of the total sampling steps generally gives a good tradeoff).
  • Deviation from the guidance image can be controlled through the scale, negative_prompt_alpha and negative_prompt_schedule parameters (see the sample config files for details). The effect of negative prompting is minor in case of realistic guidance images, but it can significantly help in case of minimalistic and abstract guidance images (e.g. segmentations).

Note that you can run a batch of translations by providing multiple target prompts in the prompts parameter.

Running PnP in Asyrp

Asyrp defines an asymetric reverse process for image editing where only the predicted $x_0$ term is shifted. This is an experimental setup trying to understand what happens when we apply PnP eding only on 1 timestep.

python run_pnp.py --config <pnp_config_path> --asyrp --timestep <t>

Feature Visualization

ResBlock Features Visualization

For running PCA visualizations on the extracted ResBlock features (Figure 3 in the paper), first set the parameters for the visualization in a yaml config file. An example of visualization config can be found in configs/pnp/feature-pca-vis.yaml. Once the arguments are set, run:

python run_features_pca.py --config "<pca_vis_config_path>"

The feature visualizations are saved under <config.exp_path_root>/PCA_features_vis/<experiment_name> directory, where <experiment_name> is specified in the visualization config file.

Self-Attention Visualization

To visualize the self-attention maps of a generated/inverted image (Figure 6 in the paper), run:

python run_self_attn_pca.py --block "<visualization_module_name>" --experiment "<experiment_name>"

The self-attention visualizations are saved under <config.exp_path_root>/PCA_self_attention_vis/<experiment_name> directory.