
authorizationStateHandler State is empty

FunkyYang opened this issue · 25 comments

I create td lib client when program start and receive auth code when try login my account,but authorizationStateHandler State is empty when I login again with auth code ,how to fix it ?

when does client re auth authorizationStateHandler

The same question ,
Sloved solution: go-tdlib: Use https://github.com/zelenin/go-tdlib/tree/v0.6.0 and tdlib: https://github.com/tdlib/td use 1.8.0
Because the https://github.com/tdlib/td 1.8.0 is the official release branch,

use last lib version + supported tdlib version and check demo - it is working

image I use this, just check you SystemVersion and ApplicationVersion

lib v0.6.0 , td v1.8.0 and the demo works well.
but in my program I receive TypeAuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters first and I send tdlIbParamters soon,receive TypeAuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey at that time and authorizationStateHandler State is empty then

@dylanpoe Is it matter?

not sure ,you can put on your code here ,let's find what may contains

@dylanpoe not works ,it's my error maybe.

func (t *Instance) Login() (int, error) {

	for {
		select {
		case state, ok := <-t.authorization.State:
			if !ok {
			switch state.AuthorizationStateType() {
			case client.TypeAuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters:
				apiId64, _ := strconv.ParseInt(t.apiId, 10, 32)
				t.authorization.TDLibParameters <- &client.TdlibParameters{
					UseTestDc:              false,
					DatabaseDirectory:      filepath.Join(t.rootDir, t.name, "db"),
					FilesDirectory:         filepath.Join(t.rootDir, t.name, "files"),
					UseFileDatabase:        true,
					UseChatInfoDatabase:    true,
					UseMessageDatabase:     true,
					UseSecretChats:         false,
					ApiId:                  int32(apiId64),
					ApiHash:                t.apiHash,
					SystemLanguageCode:     t.tdConf.TDLib.SystemLanguage,
					DeviceModel:            t.tdConf.TDLib.DeviceModel,
					SystemVersion:          t.tdConf.TDLib.SystemVersion,
					ApplicationVersion:     t.tdConf.TDLib.ApplicationVersion,
					EnableStorageOptimizer: true,
					IgnoreFileNames:        false,
			case client.TypeAuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber:
				t.authorization.PhoneNumber <- t.name
			case client.TypeAuthorizationStateWaitCode:
				select {
				case code := <-t.codeChan:
					t.authorization.Code <- code
					return 1, fmt.Errorf("please enter a code")
			case client.TypeAuthorizationStateWaitPassword:
				t.authorization.Password <- t.password
			case client.TypeAuthorizationStateReady:
				t.state = account.StateRunning
				cmd := &account.SetTwoCmd{Name: t.name, WorkStatus: t.state, LastLoginTime: time.Now().Unix()}
				if err := t.SetRemote(cmd); err != nil {
					return -1, err
				return 0, nil

that is my code,when I create instance I new a client

        authorization := NewAuthorization()
	tdInstance.authorization = authorization
	go func() {
		tdLibClient, err := client.NewClient(authorization)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("init tdlibClient error,reason:%s", err.Error())
		} else {
			tdInstance.client = tdLibClient

and authorization copy from clientAuthorization in demo

and Last day I use lib v0.7.0 and td lib v1.8.18 and first can work(receive a code from telegram) and provide code to td lib did't work

did't work at all today

the CliInteractor() is a go routine methods, client.CliInteractor(authorizer), your login routine should after this routine

I see .but when I try to login,receive a auth code first.I have no idea after that .
it means I need receive a response when I login .and use that response complete the rest of thing

and login logical in client.CliInteractor(authorizer)

Do you go client.CliInteractor(authorizer)

above Login()

should be properly placed ,make sure every Login() receive state after client.CliInteractor(authorizer)

when I Login must new a client?

no ,but each client should has his own login info ,

I dont have any idea

func NewClient(authorizationStateHandler AuthorizationStateHandler, options ...Option) (*Client, error) {
	client := &Client{
		jsonClient:    NewJsonClient(),
		responses:     make(chan *Response, 1000),
		listenerStore: newListenerStore(),
		catchersStore: &sync.Map{},

	client.extraGenerator = UuidV4Generator()
	client.catchTimeout = 60 * time.Second

	for _, option := range options {


	go client.receiver()

	err := Authorize(client, authorizationStateHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return client, nil

I need client without execute Authorize

work now?

@dylanpoe no I don't kown the login routine where to be placed

good news.I edit my program and first I can receive a auth code .but second I provide auth code difficult because can't execute client.newClient(author) twice so authorizationStateHandler State is empt