- 2
- 4
Unable to build binary with 0.7.3 and 18618ca tdlib
#145 opened by Mmx233 - 2
NewClient error: 400 Parameters aren't specified
#142 opened by random1st - 0
how to get ArchivedChats?
#141 opened by chenyu1990 - 0
"Issue with Reply Messages in Telegram: 'this reply from a private chat' Error When Clicking on Reply"
#139 opened by garystack211 - 6
- 1
SetAutoDownloadSettings not working
#140 opened by qmarliu - 4
- 0
can't build project on Ubuntu 22.04
#138 opened by Pumpkin-A - 5
How can I avoid missing messages from update?
#103 opened by dylanpoe - 1
Error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field Messages.messages of type []*client.MessageReaction
#135 opened by EllaSedova - 1
Can someone show the references of the SetAuthenticationPhoneNumber() function
#134 opened by EllaSedova - 2
Fail to run on Windows build
#133 opened by perqin - 1
Is there a memory leak?
#116 opened by chenyu1990 - 0
how to restart client ?
#131 opened by FunkyYang - 1
Receive Updates
#126 opened by FunkyYang - 4
receive channel is fulled
#130 opened by FunkyYang - 1
SetProfilePhoto got error.
#129 opened by chenyu1990 - 0
- 1
#127 opened by codebyzen - 9
GetMe timeout
#124 opened by FunkyYang - 3
often response catching timeout
#122 opened by FunkyYang - 0
Can this feature be updated?
#125 opened by chenyu1990 - 0
- 2
build error on Centos but work on ubuntu20.04
#121 opened by FunkyYang - 2
- 1
Could you help with build (make) app errors
#120 opened by andreymelkov - 1
- 3
how to set @extra
#115 opened by chenyu1990 - 1
Any one has the following question?
#119 opened by dylanpoe - 5
Please support the QrCode login
#109 opened by af913337456 - 25
authorizationStateHandler State is empty
#113 opened by FunkyYang - 4
basic Login need improve
#114 opened by FunkyYang - 6
About download messageSender's file
#107 opened by af913337456 - 8
Getting error 500 on new client
#110 opened by FunkyYang - 1
- 2
What does the type message that forward from bot ?
#111 opened by dylanpoe - 4
td version daf4801, can not receive phone code
#108 opened by af913337456 - 0
After the v0.7.0 version ,I can not start the client
#104 opened by dylanpoe - 2
- 5
- 2
I am sorry, but the results don't display as the results, aboue issue 98(
#100 opened by dylanpoe - 1
- 0
Use GetPassword and avoid showing the password
#99 opened by Xumeiquer - 2
How can I get Message sequence id in a channel ?
#97 opened by dylanpoe - 1
update code
#95 opened by krlspj - 2
Error while building the program
#94 opened by krlspj - 4
Building with docker container
#93 opened by fomotrader - 3
[Mac Apple silicon]warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib'
#92 opened by DukeAnn - 1
Change proxy at runtime
#91 opened by iya30n