The easiest way to add the library to your project is by adding it as a dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.neberox.library:ringsizer:0.0.1'
RelativeLayout mainLayout = findViewById(;
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(400, 400);
RingSizer bar = new RingSizer(this);
mainLayout.addView(bar, params);
bar.setArrowStrokeWidth(20); //(Optional)
bar.setLinesStrokeWidth(20); //(Optional)
bar.setRingStrokeWidth(20); //(Optional)
bar.setRingStrokeWidth(20); //(Optional)
bar.setDiameter(9.91); //(Optional in mm)
bar.setArrowColor(Color.WHITE); //(Optional)
bar.setLinesColor(Color.parseColor("#f2b01e")); //(Optional)
bar.setTextColor(Color.LTGRAY); //(Optional)
bar.setTextBgColor(Color.LTGRAY); //(Optional)
bar.setFontSize(12); //(Optional)
bar.setTextPaddingWidth(10dp); //(Optional)
bar.setTextPaddingHeight(10dp); //(Optional)
bar.setSize(9.91, "0000"); //(Optional in mm, name of size) for 9.91 mm USA Size code is 0000
Name | Description | Default |
arrowStrokeWidth(optional) | Stroke width of the arrows | 1.0 |
linesStrokeWidth(optional) | Stroke width of the lines of the grid | 1.0 |
ringStrokeWidth(optional) | Stroke width of the circle upon which ring will be placed | 2.0 |
diameter(optional) | Diameter of the ring. Should be in mm | 9.91 |
arrowColor(optional) | Color of the arrows drawn. To remove color set UIColor.clear | UIColor.gray |
linesColor(optional) | Color of the grid lines drawn. To remove color set UIColor.clear | UIColor.gray |
textColor(optional) | Color of the size written in center of ring sizer | |
textBgColor(optional) | Color of the background of textLabel | UIColor.gray |
fontSize(optional) | Text font size | System font 12.0 |
textPaddingWidth(optional) | left and right text Padding to add in textLabel | 10.0 |
textPaddingHeight(optional) | top and bottom text Padding to add in textLabel | 5.0 |
Muhammad Umar,
Ring-Sizer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.