
Analyse nmap xml output files in SQL

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

nmap + postgresql + emacs

This repository contains postgresql and emacs code to faciliate analysis of output of many nmap files.


Nmap is a network scanner with many parameters. Your experience may vary, but I never end up with one scan done during project, and actually there may be dozens of them for various reason.

The nmap produces several types of output, and one of them is XML.


Postgresql is an open source database that is, among other databasy things, able to access data in xml files in SQL way.

See SQL to access data in nmap files. Basically:

  • all tables and views are in schema nmap,
  • all files are in table called xml. The table also refers a project in case that nmap files for several projects are being analysed in one time.

Views are generated from the file:

runsMetadata of nmap runselapsed, up, down, total, time, args
hopsTraceroute hops dataip, distance, ttl, host, rtt, hop
servicesMaterialized view to servicesfileid, ip, port, state, product, version
scriptsMaterialized view of nmap scripts datafileid, ip, port, script, output
scriptrowsIndividual lines of nmap scripts datafileid, ip, port, script, line


Emacs is a programmable text editor. While it has support for postgresql (and sql in general) for quite a long time, recent versions allow use of module for seamless experience. This makes adding an nmap output file - or directory of such files - to the postgresql database almost trivial.

Actually, there would be many other ways to do this particular task, but I use emacs for almost everything else including file management, and there is just no reason to leave its environment for this. It also has something called org babel mode that is my preferred way to interact with most types of code.

See Postgresql module used for communication (Github) and emacs code to load the nmap files.