
Demo: ➡ https://programming-jokes-app.herokuapp.com/ ⬅ . App made with Node.js, EJS and MongoDB. Social login, CRUD operations, contact form and newsletter subscription.

Primary LanguageHTML


Programming Jokes App

This project was created using Node.js, Express, EJS and Mongoose. Users can register and log in using Facebook, Gmail or Email + Password. Passwords are not stored directly in a database. They are encrypted using passport-local-mongoose. The app is using cookies and sessions. For input validation, express-validator is used.


On the main page, All posted jokes from all users are listed. On the "random joke" page, a random joke is displayed using Javascript. Authentificated users can post jokes and edit or delete them afterwards. Users can sign up for newsletter (Mailchimp API). Users can send me an e-mail using a contact form (built using nodemailer).

If you spot a bug or have some suggestions to improve the app, feel free to contribute