
Official repository for CVPR 2022 paper: I M Avatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos

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I M Avatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos

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Official Repository for CVPR 2022 paper I M Avatar: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos.

Getting Started

  • Clone this repo: git clone --recursive git@github.com:zhengyuf/IMavatar.git
  • Create a conda environment conda env create -f environment.yml and activate conda activate IMavatar
  • We use libmise to extract 3D meshes, build libmise by running cd code; python setup.py install
  • Download FLAME model, choose FLAME 2020 and unzip it, copy 'generic_model.pkl' into ./code/flame/FLAME2020

Preparing dataset

Download a preprocessed dataset from Google drive or ETH Zurich server. You can run download_data.bash.

Or prepare your own dataset following intructions in ./preprocess/README.md.

Link the dataset folder to ./data/datasets. Link the experiment output folder to ./data/experiments.


python scripts/exp_runner.py ---conf ./confs/IMavatar_supervised.conf [--wandb_workspace IMavatar] [--is_continue]


Set the is_eval flag for evaluation, optionally set checkpoint (if not, the latest checkpoint will be used) and load_path

python scripts/exp_runner.py --conf ./confs/IMavatar_supervised.conf --is_eval [--checkpoint 60] [--load_path ...]

Pre-trained model

The pre-trained model for the example subject can be found at Google drive or ETH Zurich server ## TODO

Additional features

The following features are not used in the main paper, but helpful for training.

  • Semantic-guided Training: set loss.gt_w_seg to True to use semantic segmentation during training. Using semantic maps leads to improved training stability, and better teeth reconstruction quality.
  • Ghost Bone: If FLAME global rotations in your dataset are not identity matrices, set deformer_network.ghostbone to True. This allow the shoulder and upper body to remain un-transformed.
  • Pose Optimization: When the FLAME parameters are noisy, I find it helpful to set optimize_camera to True. This optimizes both the FLAME pose parameters and the camera translation parameters. Similarly, set optimize_expression and optimize_latent_code to True to optimize input expression parameters and per-frame latent codes.


  • Our preprocessing script scales FLAME head meshes by 4 so that it would fit the unit sphere tighter. Remember to adjust camera positions accordingly if you are using your own preprocessing pipeline.
  • Multi-GPU training is not tested. We found a single GPU to be sufficient in terms of batch size.


If you find our code or paper useful, please cite as:

  title={{I} {M} {Avatar}: Implicit Morphable Head Avatars from Videos},
  author={Zheng, Yufeng and Abrevaya, Victoria Fernández and Bühler, Marcel C. and Chen, Xu and Black, Michael J. and Hilliges, Otmar},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year = {2022}