
GPT in TensorFlow.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GPT in TensorFlow.js (gpt-tfjs)

A minimal implementation of GPT architecture in TensorFlow.js more or less following the minGPT implementation in PyTorch.


npm i gpt-tfjs


const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs') // or @tensorflow/tfjs-node or @tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu
const { GPTLMHeadModel } = require('gpt-tfjs').model
const config = {
  nLayer: 3,
  nHead: 3,
  nEmbd: 48,
  vocabSize: 3,
  blockSize: 11,
  dropout: 0.1
(async () => {
  const gpt = GPTLMHeadModel(config)
  await gpt.train(trainDataset, {epochs: 10, verbose: true})
  const inputs = [2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1]
  const idx = await gpt.generate([inputs], { maxNewTokens: 6 }) // Or gpt.generateSync(..., {...})
  console.log(idx.arraySync()[0].slice(6)) // [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]

Where trainDataset is a tensorflow dataset, for example: https://github.com/zemlyansky/gpt-tfjs/blob/main/projects/sort/sort.js


The testing script relies on minGPT to generate the test data. Before running tests run the following command (you'll need Pytorch installed):

python test_gen.py
