
My NixOS configurations

Primary LanguageNix

My personal NixOS configs

Current setup plan

Subject to change when I learn more.

Clone this into /etx/nixos/nix-files.

Setup local /etc/nixos/configuration.nix so that it:

  • Imports applicaple shared things from the repo
  • Contains private things that should not be in public repository
  • Contains one-off installation specific things that are not meaningful as shared

Example configuration.nix

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  imports = [
    # Optional based on the role of the machine

  # boot... = ...               # Installation specific

  # networking.hostName = ...

  # programs... = ...           # Optional machine specific one-offs

  # services.openssh.enabled = true;
  # services... = ...

  # Can vary on different machines
  myuser.username = "zemm";
  myuser.uid = 100;
  myuser.shell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/zsh";

  # system.stateVersion = ...