Requirements: - Azure AKS cluster should have: * Azure AD integration enabled * Kubernetes RBAC enabled (Azure AD authentication with Kubernetes RBAC) * local accounts enabled * service principal should be granted owner role - service principal created with the required permissions: ( * create service principal * assign to it owner role on AKS cluster - Az powershell module & Kubectl should be installed on the Environment ( steps: - update the JSON configuration file (provision/deprovision) with the right credentials: * service principal credentials * AKS Cluster name and resource group * Azure AD group that will have the permissions * Cluster namespace to be granted access to - launch provision-roles.ps1 to deploy the accesses for the desired group - launch deprovision-roles.ps1 to delete the provisionned roles and the namespace
This Repository contains powershell script that configure Kubernetes RBAC to grant access to Azure AD groups to specific namespace