
Astronomical Observation Web Portal and Backend

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Observation Portal

Build Status Coverage Status Codacy Badge

An Astronomical Observation Web Portal and Backend

Within an observatory control system, the observation portal provides modules for:

  • Proposal management: Calls for proposals, proposal creation, and time allocation
  • Request management: Observation request validation, submission, and cancellation, as well as views providing ancillary information about them
  • Observation management: Store and provide the telescope schedule, update observations, and update observation requests on observation update
  • User identity management: Oauth2 authenticated user management that can be used in other applications


Optional prerequisites can be skipped for reduced functionality.

Environment Variables

Variable Description Default
General DEBUG Whether the application should run using Django's debug mode False
SECRET_KEY The secret key used for sessions random characters
Database DB_NAME The name of the database observation_portal
DB_USER The database user postgres
DB_PASSWORD The database password Empty string
DB_HOST The database host
DB_PORT The database port 5432
Cache CACHE_BACKEND The remote Django cache backend django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache
CACHE_LOCATION The cache location or connection string unique-snowflake
LOCAL_CACHE_BACKEND The local Django cache backend to use django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache
Static and Media Files AWS_BUCKET_NAME The name of the AWS bucket in which to store static and media files observation-portal-test-bucket
AWS_REGION The AWS region us-west-2
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The AWS user access key with read/write priveleges on the s3 bucket None
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The AWS user secret key to use with the access key None
MEDIA_STORAGE The Django media files storage backend django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage
MEDIAFILES_DIR The directory in which to store media files media
STATIC_STORAGE The Django static files storage backend django.contrib.staticfiles.storage.StaticFilesStorage
Email EMAIL_BACKEND The Django SMTP backend to use django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend
EMAIL_HOST The SMTP host localhost
EMAIL_HOST_USER The SMTP user Empty string
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD The SMTP password Empty string
EMAIL_PORT The SMTP port 587
External Services CONFIGDB_URL The url to the configuration database http://localhost
DOWNTIMEDB_URL The url to the downtime database http://localhost
ELASTICSEARCH_URL The url to the elasticsearch cluster http://localhost
Task Scheduling DRAMATIQ_BROKER_HOST The broker host for dramatiq redis
DRAMATIQ_BROKER_PORT The broker port for dramatiq 6379

Local Development

Set up external services

Please refer to the Configuration Database and Downtime Database projects for instructions on how to get those running, as well as the Elasticsearch documentation for options on how to run Elasticsearch.

Set up a virtual environment

Using a virtual environment is highly recommended. Run the following commands from the base of this project. (env) is used to denote commands that should be run using your virtual environment.

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
(env) pip install numpy && pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up the database

This example uses the PostgreSQL Docker image to create a database. Make sure that the options that you use to set up your database correspond with your configured database settings.

docker run --name observation-portal-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=observation_portal -v/var/lib/postgresql/data -p5432:5432 -d postgres:11.1

After creating the database, migrations must be applied to set up the tables in the database.

(env) python manage.py migrate

Run the tests

(env) python manage.py test --settings=test_settings

Run the portal

(env) python manage.py runserver

The observation portal should now be accessible from!