React SSR Example Application

The application contains several variants, each in its separate branch, progressively demonstrating various paradigms for writing universal JavaScript with React, React Router, Node and Express.


Simple Application

The application is under simple branch.

The basis for the entire application stack, this application starts (and ends) with client-side React, with no handling of rendering on the server. The data is not retrieved, rather fed via props from the top level route.

Naive Universal Application

The application is under simple+ssr branch.

This version of the application performs the following:

  1. render HTML on server, based on data necessary
  2. deliver the HTML to the browser
  3. send the data , used to render the HTML, to the browser as well
  4. allow React to resolve the necessary re-renders

A Little Less Naive Universal Application

The application is under simple+ssr+context branch.

This application improves on the previous variant by abstracting data propagation and delegating it to React Context. This is achieved by introducing a new wrapper component that does most of the "heavy" lifting required for Context usage in React components.

More Complex, But Still Naive, Application

The application is under simple+ssr+context+promises branch.

This application expands the previous by adding another page and delegating data retrieval to static methods on the components themselve (limited to Route components).

Flux Universal Application

The application is under flux+ssr+context+promises branch.

This variant of the application makes the transformation from our naive Flux-less application to still (hopefully less) somewhat naive Flux-full one.