
Primary LanguageClojure

zd (zen docs)

Semantic knowledge base engine.

  • every document is a data with qualified name
  • all documents is your database
  • access database from your document
  • annotate data for representation
  • add schemas

Every document is a data. Let's call it resource. Resource is a ordered set of keys and values (map in clojure terms). More precisely set of keypaths and values

Top level keys starts on new line from ':' and value in EDN after

:this-is-a-key "value"

To flatten nested structure keypath expression may be used - keys separated with # which means insert value into resource at path [:key, :nested-key]

:name#:given "???"
:name#:family "???"
;; same as
:name {:given "???" :family "???"}

Each keypath may have annotations (metadata). Annotation starts with '^' following name and optional EDN value after

^table {:columns [:id]}
:items [{:id "p1"}, {:id "p2"}]

For multi-line strings there is special notation, which starts form :key [content-type]/ and ends at newline with keypath or annotation (i.e. ^: or ^^)

:content markdown/

Here is some markdown
* item 1

:another-key "..."

Parser read the document and builds two data one as data and second for

zd syntax

  • Keypath
  • Data
  • Multiline string
  • Annotations

Setup zen docs for your project

You have to have installed clojure cli. Go to the root of your project and run:

echo ':title "My first zd/note 🙂"' > docs/readme.zd

clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {zen-lang/zd {:git/url "git@github.com:zen-lang/zd.git" :sha "53ca914e73ff9cf6db75434d5d6dafe425e2b057"}}}' -M -m zd.dev docs zrc

Open http://localhost:3030 and that's it.


zd format is sugar for edn:

:title "Person"
:zen/tags #{foam.Person}
;; specila multiline string
:zd/desc md/
# Title
here is 

* any markdown

;; nested datastructure can be flatten with ~
~:title "Title"
~:text md/

This is intro

~:title "Example"
~:text md/

;; There is special syntax for vectors
~:author aidbox.team.niquola
~:date "2021-11-11"
~:text md/

Comment 1

~:author aidbox.team.niquola
~:date "2021-11-11"
~:text md/

Comment 2


;; direct hickup support

 (->> (zd/by-tag 'incidents)
      (group-by :inci/customer))]



  • zd-mode for emacs
  • syntax
  • jump


  • markdown/zendown extensible down

    • [[multi params params]]
    • code blocks with hl
  • zd api (search)

  • macro engine

  • zen schema integration

  • hickup engine

    • expressions
    • helpers - zd api search
    • render helpers tables


  • static generator

    • ui styles
    • render blocks (annotations)
    • navigation (dsl & render)
  • dev-mode (watch file -> reload resource in db) -> render page

  • plugin example

  • import plugin

  • sample knowledge base

git clone kb
cd kb
zd dev-mode

open localhost:3030

edit file.zd

reloaded automaticaly localhost:3030

git push

github actions
github pages


  • hickup keypathes - eval - search/filters <- niquola (stylization)

  • search <- apricotlace

  • emacs <- max

  • zen integration + show errors (errors in menu) <- vlad

  • Capitilize for headers (overide header)

  • sytles - list styles

  • table block

  • backrefs - sytle

  • custom menu

  • search

  • devmode

20:00 pm


  • existing
  • how to make knowledge base + how to extend (show on rpc)


Publish https://code.visualstudio.com/api/working-with-extensions/publishing-extension

vsce login zendoc-vs
vsce publish