
This project is the migration from the Durham SignUp List tool to an LTI Tool Provider using Blackboard Learn REST APIs with the MEAN stack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sign Up List

MEAN (Mongodb, Express, Angular, Node) port of the original Sign Up List written by Malcolm Murray and Stephen Vickers on projects.oscelot.com.

You may visit our demo site - coming soon - , download the source and run locally, or use the below button to deploy to your heroku account.


Whether you download or deploy to run the demo you will need to visit developer.blackboard.com and create a developer account and application. You will use your key and secret provided when you set the heroku deploy configuration.

To Run Locally

  1. Download the source
  2. The LTI key and secret are stored in config/config.js, edit or leave as is.
  3. Using a terminal, cd into the project directory at the server.js level
  4. To setup: type in the terminal: npm install; bower install
  5. To start the app type in the terminal: DEBUG=signuplist:* npm start & echo $! > .pid
  6. To stop the app type in the terminal: DEBUG=signuplist:* npm stop

To view in Blackboard add the LTI application and LTI placement via the System Admin Panel using your deployed settings. The initial launch point for the instructor access is http:///lti. Each course will have its own view. Each list has the ability to generate a specific link for the student. A student must use the student view. An instructor clicking the student link will be taken to the Instructor view.

As the project progresses, we will update this readme and supporting documentation to show complete setup as well as REST key and secret usage.