
A modification of Heather Crites' JSHack for modifying Blackboard Learn Course Copy defaults


A JSHack (https://github.com/AllTheDucks/jshack-v1) for modifying Blackboard Learn Course Copy defaults. The original version was written by Heather Crites (https://github.com/hcrites-cscc)

Changes made to the GUI Instructor Course Copy function:

  1. Sets 'include only the forums, with no starter posts.' as the default, and shows a warning message about potential FERPA issues if starter posts are selected
  2. Hides 'Availability' which should not be changed via a course copy.
  3. Disables 'Copy links to Course Files' and selects 'Copy links and copies of the content' as the default
  4. Warns users that 'Grade Center Columns and Settings' needs to be selected in order for gradable items to propogate to the destination course.

A screenshot of the resulting Course Copy screen is included in the repository.