A JSHack (https://github.com/AllTheDucks/jshack-v1) for modifying Blackboard Learn Course Copy defaults. The original version was written by Heather Crites (https://github.com/hcrites-cscc)
Changes made to the GUI Instructor Course Copy function:
- Sets 'include only the forums, with no starter posts.' as the default, and shows a warning message about potential FERPA issues if starter posts are selected
- Hides 'Availability' which should not be changed via a course copy.
- Disables 'Copy links to Course Files' and selects 'Copy links and copies of the content' as the default
- Warns users that 'Grade Center Columns and Settings' needs to be selected in order for gradable items to propogate to the destination course.
A screenshot of the resulting Course Copy screen is included in the repository.