This project is a nice lil set of libraries that we created for working with:
- Sonatype's OSS Index
- Sonatype's Nexus IQ Server
- Building different types of CycloneDX SBOMs
- Obtaining a User Agent for communicating with different services
A lot of our projects were starting to depend heavily on nancy
, and it was slowing the pace of development on nancy
down quite a bit, as well as making importing nancy
a bit of a kitchen sink if you wanted to use some of it's libraries. Thusly, go-sona-types
is born! The name is credited to @zendern or @fitzoh, who are good with puns!
You'll need Go 1.14, and that's about it!
Everything (tests, lint, etc...) can be run with make
Adding new files? Get the license header correct with:
go get -u addlicense -v -f ./header.txt .
This section is only created for suggested use of each package.
// Setup fake logger, use a real one when you consume this package
logger, _ := logrus.NewNullLogger()
// Obtains a pointer to a Server struct, with rational defaults set
ossi := ossindex.Default(logger)
// Obtains a pointer to a Server struct, with options you set
ossi = ossindex.New(loggger, types.Options{Username: "username", Token: "token"})
// Audits a slice of purls, returns results or an error
results, err := ossi.AuditPackages([]string{"a", "list", "of", "purls"})
// Removes database cache
err = ossi.NoCacheNoProblems()
// Setup fake logger, use a real one when you consume this package
logger, _ := logrus.NewNullLogger()
// Obtains a pointer to a Server struct
iq := iq.New(logger, iq.Options{Username: "username", Token: "token"})
// Audits a slice of purls, given a public IQ Server application ID, and returns results or an error
results, err := iq.AuditPackages([]string{"a", "list", "of", "purls"}, "public-application-id")
// Setup fake logger, use a real one when you consume this package
logger, _ := logrus.NewNullLogger()
// Obtains a pointer to a CycloneDX struct
sbom := cyclonedx.Default(logger)
// Obtains a SBOM from []types.Coordinates
results := sbom.FromCoordinates([]types.Coordinates{})
// Setup fake logger, use a real one when you consume this package
logger, _ := logrus.NewNullLogger()
// Obtains a pointer to aa Agent struct, useful in testing or if you need to override ClientTool or Version
ua := useragent.New(logger, useragent.Options{ClientTool: "your-client-tool", Version: "1.0.0", GoOS: runtime.GOOS, GoArch: runtime.GOARCH})
// Can be used to get aa Agent struct populated with defaults
ua = useragent.Default(logger)
// Obtains a properly formatted user-agent string for communicating with OSS Index or Nexus IQ Server
useragent := ua.GetUserAgent()
Follow the steps below to release a new version.
Checkout/pull the latest
branch, and create a new tag with the desired semantic version and a helpful note:git tag -a v0.0.x -m "Helpful message in tag."
Push the tag up:
git push origin v0.0.x
Click the GitHub buttons to make a new release from this new tag.