Test Ticket Submission & Save Events

This app showcases the ticket save life cycle. It is installed in the ticket sidebar and background locations. By testing various ticket save & ticket submission events in your instance, you'll receive the fired console logs that signify each chronological step in the ticket save life cycle process. In the background location, we are able to listen for server-side save events outside of the ticket sidebar. View console for all outputs.

Getting started

Follow these steps to get a local copy up and running.


  • Zendesk Command Line (ZCLI)

Using Zendesk Command Line


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/zendesk/demo_ticket_submission_and_save_events.git
  2. Run the app.

    zcli apps:server

Testing your Zendesk app locally

Additional Resources


You can create an issue on Github, reach out in our Developer Community, or report the issue in the Zendesk Developers Slack group.