Smooch Help Kit

Pod Version Platform License

The Smooch Help Kit library is an extension to the capabilities of the Smooch iOS SDK. This library adds self-help functionality, as well as an app-wide gesture to access help from anywhere in the app.

Check out the wiki for descriptions of the features.



Installation Using Cocoapods

Add pod SmoochHelpKit to your Podfile, and run pod install

Note: SmoochHelpKit registers Smooch as a dependent pod, so if you are already using the Smooch pod, you may replace it with this one.

Installation Without Cocoapods

  1. Follow the instructions for manual installation of the Smooch SDK.
  2. Download the latest zip file, and extract it.
  3. Copy the SmoochHelpKit directory into your project
  4. Add the required libraries and frameworks to your project's Link Binary With Libraries build phase.
  • SystemConfiguration.framework
  • UIKit.framework
  • Foundation.framework
  • OpenGLES.framework
  • QuartzCore.framework
  • CoreText.framework
  1. Add the -lxml2 flag to your app’s Other Linker Flags build setting.
  2. Add the line $(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2 to your app's Header Search Paths build setting.

Initializing the SDK

Sign up and get an app token at Then, in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

#import "SmoochHelpKit.h"

SHKSettings* settings = [SHKSettings settingsWithAppToken:@"YOUR_APP_TOKEN"];
[SmoochHelpKit initWithSettings:settings];

Note: SHKSettings derives from SKTSettings, and calling [SmoochHelpKit initWithSettings:] will automatically call through to [Smooch initWithSettings:]. There is no need to call +initWithSettings: on both classes.

To show the UI:

[SmoochHelpKit show];

API Documentation

For Help Kit API documentation, see the SmoochHelpKit.h and SHKSettings.h header files.

For Smooch documentation, visit the docs


Copyright (c) 2015 Smooch Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. See here for license details.


This library makes use of, was inspired by, and distributes a number of other open-source components. Special thanks to the creators and maintainers of these libraries (in no particular order):