Authentication middleware for Expressive and PSR-7 applications
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Documentation task: write a recipe for extract HTTP request data if authenticated
#36 opened by ezimuel - 1
Wrong config parameter name in the \Zend\Expressive\Authentication\UserRepositoryPdoDatabaseFactory factory
#40 opened by nuxwin - 8
The \Zend\Expressive\Authentication\UserRepositoryPdoDatabaseFactory factory should accept PDO instance
#41 opened by nuxwin - 6
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Readme: still not meant for production?
#35 opened by steffenbrand - 1
Accent not supported in result of sql_get_roles or sql_get_details in authentication process session
#33 opened by mbourquin - 2
Use iterable instead of array?
#26 opened by internalsystemerror - 3
AuthenticationMiddleware does not work correctly when last in pipe chain. Cannot distinguish successful vs failed auth attempt.
#32 opened by alextech - 1
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propose to AuthenticationInterface
#11 opened by sergiors - 1
Change username to identity
#14 opened by geerteltink - 0
PDODatabase repository error: Trying to get property of non-object on wrong username
#12 opened by samsonasik - 2
If i can - Authexpressive
#8 opened by lpj145 - 6
Is getUserRole() necessary?
#1 opened by MidnightDesign