
JavaScript micro game framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is it?

Brevis.js is a small, almost micro, JavaScript / HTML5 game framework for mobile devices. The main focus is to write less code as possible to create mobile games with already pre-made objects and behaviors.

Current version is 1.0 from 2017-07-19.

Why another JS game framework?

It started as an experience to build my own games and to make it faster on mobile platforms, in a way that I could write short codes and get full games as fast as possible.

How to get started?

First create a simple HTML file as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="UTF-8" />
		<script src="brevis.min.js"></script>
		<script src="mygame.js"></script>
		<!-- nothing here - BrevisJS will do the magic! -->

Then download brevis.min.js from the dist direcory and put it in the same directory that you created the HTML file above.

Now create in the same directory the mygame.js file with the content:

$.onReady(function() {

  //configure environment
    title: "Game Title",
    author: "BrevisJS",
    description: "Description of your game",
    width: 160,
    height: 240,
    orientation: 'portrait',
    fps: 60,
    pixelart: true, //default false
    bgColor: '#000000' //default transparent
    /*assets: {
      sounds: ['snd/kill', 'snd/hit', 'snd/room'], //sounds without extension
      images: ['img/b.png', 'img/e.png', 'img/p.png', 'img/t.png']

  //first scene to start

Test in your server and see if it outputs a message and shows Brevis version on console.

You can also check out the examples directory for more ways on how to use Brevis.

Happy coding!

Games built with Brevis.js:

Made a game using Brevis? Send a link to show up here!