- 2
- 0
Opcache optimisation
#236 opened by wixaw - 3
Failed to compile on PHP 5.6
#218 opened by Quix0r - 0
How to serialize op_array ?
#235 opened by arshidkv12 - 5
#215 opened by Barbery - 2
opcache_enabled automatically turns false
#225 opened by shivamdixit - 1
Feature request: opcache_evict
#234 opened by if-kenn - 31
Opcache not reclaiming wasted memory
#187 opened by robfico - 6
Defect in zend_accel_schedule_restart_if_necessary
#216 opened by Incognito - 1
Using opcache in command line
#233 opened by g-adolph - 0
PHP 5.2 with OPcache and ZendOptimizer v.3.3
#232 opened by renton- - 0
Frequent PHP errors
#231 opened by Wallethub - 1
opcache.error_log to stderr writes to apache error lgo in different format
#203 opened by nathanhruby - 0
- 0
OpCache Constantly Restarting Itself
#229 opened by Deepbluen - 0
Don't 7.0.5 work on PHP 5.4.45 ?
#228 opened by anstrem - 1
pfsockopen - when using opcache ,pfsockopen returns empty when server initiative to disconnect the current connection
#226 opened by lizhibin205 - 1
- 27
Some question about #126 "Cache invalidation for scripts in symlinked folders"
#211 opened by devtoby - 11
the same cached and misses files bug
#223 opened by sigaretim - 0
- 3
No support for mod-itk?
#222 opened by JB1985 - 4
- 3
Error for make
#221 opened by anoxia - 6
Opcache crashed with PHP7
#219 opened by ryukoui - 2
OPcache status is unavailable in shutdown
#217 opened by szepeviktor - 3
Is zendopcache-7.0.4 availble as .deb package?
#204 opened by enoch85 - 3
Switch statement error with pre-defined constants
#198 opened by timwhitlock - 2
- 1
When I run Make, Occur Error.
#207 opened by ruguoaaa - 1
Opcache and Zend engine version
#212 opened by sadlyblue - 2
- 2
- 2
Zend Optimizer 7.0.5 Build Error
#213 opened by LukeMauldin - 1
Can't compile for PHP 5.6
#210 opened by redhell - 12
Time for a new release?
#208 opened by Jan-E - 1
Will compiled variables be cached?
#209 opened by milesdong - 4
- 3
test suite fails on 7.0.4
#200 opened by cgtx - 12
Exception handling break when ZO+ enabled and php_sapi_name() method called
#195 opened by joe-bowman - 1
- 1
Caching scripts from ionCube
#192 opened by izzy - 4
Zend OPcache and HHVM both together
#199 opened by aditya- - 2
- 1
PHP5-FPM crash when enbaled fast_shutdown
#191 opened by ian4hu - 0
- 2
Hitrate approaching ~60% *sometimes* instead of 100%
#189 opened by njam - 1
Rechecking outside restrict_api
#196 opened by szepeviktor - 2
Zend OpCache Premature End of Script Headers
#186 opened by benwis - 10
Compiled 7.0.3 Extension For Windows PHP5.4 Not Loading On Windows 2012 Server
#185 opened by kevingale