
Primary LanguagePHP

Vue.js + Laravel SPA + Vuetify + CrudBooster

Designed is powered by Vuetify framework based on Material Design.

The goal is to start a new SPA project quickly with routes and components structure already in place.

What's included:

  • Laravel 7 default project
  • Vue.js boilerplate with Components: App, Header, Navbar, Footer, Sidebar
  • Three menu items using Vue Router: Homepage (dynamic data from API), About and Contact (both static texts)
  • One Laravel model Product with Migrations+Seeds, one API call to get all products, using API Resource
  • Crudbooster Backend

How to use

  • Clone the repository with git clone
  • Copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there
  • Run composer install
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • Run php artisan migrate --seed (it has some seeded data for your testing)
  • Run php artisan crudbooster:install (Install Backend)
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm run dev
  • That's it: launch the main URL.


Modified from LaravelDaily. Basically, feel free to use and re-use any way you want.