highly opinionated php application framework
To install composer
How to specify Composer install path
Running composer in a different directory than current
composer install -d=./conf
composer update -d=./conf
To build javascript app
npm --prefix ./conf run build
To install npm
npm - install dependencies for a package in a different folder
npm --prefix ./conf install
npm --prefix ./conf update
To run unit tests
npm --prefix ./conf run unit-test
- business-logic
- business-rules
- core-logic
- wisdom
- brain
- bi [short for business intelligence]
- external-libraries
- external-libs
- libs
- analytics
- logs
- app/services
- tests
- tests/unit
- tests/e2e
- tests/status [test status of different services to make sure they are live]
- tests/integration
- tests/connections [test db connections]
- tests/gateway [check online status or ability to connect]
- zen/http/{request, response, controller, upload}
- zen/router
- zen/dispatcher
- zen/session
- zen/filesystem
- zen/gateway/{google[gmail, gcp, bigquery],aws[s3, sns]}
- zen/storage/{mysql, oracle}
- zen/migration
- zen/log, syslog
- zen/kvs/{redis}
- zen/email
- zen/sampledata{also called test data generator}
- zen/random{token, id, string, int etc generation}
- zen/cache/{memcashed}
- zen/primitives{nonemptystring, money, entityID, positiveinteger, emailaddress, validemailaddress, validDate, validDateTime, validTimeStamp, pastDate, futureDate, }
- zen/view
- core-logic
- services
- apps
- services
- cli
- web
- controllers
- routes
- ui
- views
- html
- pages
- public
- public
- index.php
- libs
- assets
- js
- css
- img