
This command-line tool extends CodeKit by remembering associations between triggering files (template files) and dependent files (which are including those template files)

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This command-line tool extends CodeKit by remembering associations between triggering files (template files) and dependent files (which are including those templates). After a file was modified, you call trig, e.g., trig handle footer.html (this call typically happens in a CodeKit hook). Since trig knows exatcly which files include footer.html (this should be automated) it asks CodeKit via AppleScript to process each of those dependent files. (Associations are stored in ~/.trig/associations.db.)


trig <command> [<args>...]
trig set <dependent-file> <triggering-file-1> <triggering-file-2>...
trig set <dependent-file>
trig handle <triggering-file>
trig list
trig help


  • set: Associates a dependent file with triggering filess. If a currently associated triggering file is not mentioned, that association is removed. If no triggering files are provided then all are removed.
  • list: List associations.
  • handle: Executes the registered command on all dependent files that were associated with the provided triggering file.
  • help: Prints the help screen.


$ trig register .go 'go run $1'

$ trig set www/index.go templates/one.gohtml templates/two.gohtml

$ trig set www/index.go

$ trig handle templates/two.gohtml

$ trig list


$ go get github.com/zengabor/trig


Gabor Lenard