- 14
- 0
Tomcat Server Location NOT follow symlink
#133 opened by Pennix - 2
- 3
.SmartTomcat/.../conf/web.xml formatting issue
#106 opened by MikeC1419 - 22
start Tomcat is so slow
#131 opened by lyx2246 - 2
I am getting NullPointerException
#130 opened by madhur - 1
Option to Disable Creation of .smarttomcat
#129 opened by AlyKamel - 1
[biggest bug] SmartTomcat coulnt support Http11NioProtocol, please fix it...
#127 opened by moowcharnfu - 3
- 1
WAR file is not deployed.
#82 opened by SHUNYA007 - 5
Intermittent fail to start tomcat
#79 opened by clemilsonmorais - 4
Custom context.xml
#116 opened by Isukthar - 3
I have started using IntelliJ community with tomcat plugin to run a web app. I do not see option to provide server.xml as input. Please let me know how to run tomcat server providing server.zml as input. We had this option when using eclipse but do not see this option when using IntelliJ community ide
#125 opened by sharathvanam - 4
SmartTomcat Plugin not working in Ubuntu
#124 opened by piratesouravshaw - 1
Startup Error with Smart tomcat plugin
#113 opened by ukchaitanya - 1
Tomcat deploy path considering target/classes instead of actual war folder
#122 opened by marcelocastrillo - 3
Missing https Port configuration
#123 opened by emi-emi671 - 10
- 4
- 2
can not run with this plugin NPE
#120 opened by vio-lin - 3
SSL & java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.w3c.dom.Element.setAttribute(String, String)" because "portE" is null
#114 opened by sgorbenko - 0
Project startup failed
#118 opened by naidelii - 7
Is it possible to run multiple app in the same tomcat share the same port ?
#104 opened by kuchaguangjie - 0
Multiple Context (server.xml)
#110 opened by usarral - 1
- 0
SSL port forced to 8443
#107 opened by leopoldhub - 0
per-configuration server.xml
#105 opened by leopoldhub - 5
- 4
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.w3c.dom.Element.setAttribute(String, String)" because "portE" is null
#103 opened by mumaxiaozi - 4
Unable to deploy in tomcat from Intellij saying : The Module Root specified is not a module according to Intellij
#101 opened by vsreekumargit - 4
Support allowLinkng and cache setting on tomcat 8+
#99 opened by terwer - 3
- 2
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to complete the scan for annotations for web application [/ggas] due to a StackOverflowError
#97 opened by efcjunior - 9
Context path /v1/home doesnt deploy the app but the app is deployed with just /v1
#95 opened by BijBal84 - 6
How does plugin know project's build folder
#96 opened by efcjunior - 3
workspace.xml file has predefined_log_file excessively appended to the config.
#94 opened by sblatnick - 5
Doesn't support the root context path (`/`)
#93 opened by cheng6563 - 3
- 4
Spontaneous Exception while idling
#72 opened by stolp - 8
bug in update 4.3.4
#91 opened by almacen2015 - 2
Multiple Resources
#83 opened by matteopic - 2
#69 opened by jakobmaier - 4
- 2
Displaying content of Localhost and Localhost_access log while running the App
#78 opened by mrafsyam - 1
#81 opened by mynameisbob0905 - 1
Default encoding - charset
#77 opened by jcomas - 1
Unknow Error :intellij on Mac
#73 opened by sidikidi - 1
Query on Hotswap
#76 opened by aravindbairi - 1
- 5
Error : Unable to find main class 3.8.4
#70 opened by kminhtri