Unveil Cis-acting Combinatorial mRNA Motifs by Interpreting Deep Neural Network

CombMotif is a method based on NeuronMotif and motif mutagenesis, which not only enables the discovery of diverse and high-quality motifs but also efficiently identifies motif interactions in mRNA. By employing this method, we systematically analyzed the learned motif syntax of two types of deep learning models, namely MRL predictor and Half-life predictor. The results of our interpretation for both models align with known biological phenomena, and include some unknown motif syntax, providing novel insights for biologists.



Clone this repository

git clone https://git.tsinghua.edu.cn/zengxc22/combmotif.git
cd combmotif

Install dependencies

This repository is tested on Python 3.7 , PyTorch 1.10.0+cu111, meme5.4.1. You could create a virtual environment and install dependencies with the following command.

conda create -n combmotif python=3.7
conda activate combmotif
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data preparing

Data used for training and interpretation can be downloaded from here, or generated by yourself through the script in generate_dataset directory. Well-trained model weights can be downloaded from here. The downloaded filefolder should be placed under the root folder.

Model training

We trained two model, namely Half-life predictor and MRL(Mean Ribosome Load) predictor. They share the same architecture of a hybird network consists of CNN and GRU, which is proposed by Agarwal1. The model weights can be downloaded in the following links. The downloaded model weights should be placed in the model_weights folder under the root folder.

Model name Dataset Weights Performance Params Num_layers
Half-life predictor f0_c0_data0_wholeseq.h5 hl_predictor r=0.73 16w 6
MRL predictor GSM3130435_egfp_unmod_1.csv mrl_predictor r2=0.94 9w 3
MRL predictor noAUG utr_mrl_non_AUG_alldataset.csv noAUG r2=0.40 9w 3
Half-life predictor mouse f0_c0_data1_wholeseq.h5 mouse r=0.66 16w 6

To train half-life predictor or MRL predictor from scratch please refer to mrl or half-life.

Motif discovery

Here, We implement NeuronMotif2 by PyTorch. With neuronmotif, we have discovered numerous biologically meaningful motifs and motif combinations in mRNA. In addition, we have also explored other interpretable methods, such as TF-MoDISco3, Maximum ActivationSeqlet. Assumed that you have obtained the well-trained model weights and installed meme5.4.1, now you can start interpreting models with NeuronMotif. For a quick start, here we are trying to interpret the neuron1~neuron4 in the 2nd conv layer of Half-life predictor.

cd motif_discovery/single_thread_script
bash main.sh 2 2 ../configs/interpreting/hl_predictor_quick_start.yaml

The interpretation results primarily consist of two parts. The first part is the visualization of each neuron, located in the motif_discovery/clustering/hl_predictor/conv2-mechanic folder. The visualization file is an HTML file, and for visualization, the JavaScript tools from the "utils" folder need to be placed in the same directory.



The second part is the comparison results of the motifs found with standard motif database by tomtom, which are stored in the motif_discovery/tomtom_match_results/hl_predictor folder. If you want to interpret each neuron of half-life predictor or other models, please refer to motif discovery for more details.

Motif contribution

It is important to explore the contribution of each neuron to the final model predictions. We assume that if the model's prediction is higher when a neuron is activated (activation value exceeds a certain threshold) compared to when it is not activated, then we consider this neuron as a positive neuron. The motif visualized by this neuron is also considered a positive motif.

1.Search maxactivation of each neuron

For a quick start, we only search the max activation of the neurons in conv2 by running following command.

cd motif_contribution/script
bash run_search_maxact.sh 2 2 ../configs/interaction/hl_predictor.yaml

2.Calculate motif contribution

bash run_contribution.sh 2 2 ../configs/interaction/hl_predictor.yaml  

You will obtain the final results in motif_contribution/results/hf_predictor_neuron_contribution.csv. Now you should have a general understanding of whether each neuron enhances or suppresses half-life. Afterward, you can infer whether the contribution of each motif visualized by each neuron is positive or negative based on the previously interpretation results.

Motif interaction

We applied motif mutagenesis to study the interactions between motifs. We consider two types of interactions: synergistic or antagonistic epistasis. We only consider motif pairs discovered by NeuronMotif, as these pairs are more likely to have interactions.

Fragment location

First, we will identify sequences in the dataset that contain the corresponding motif pairs. For simplicity, we will only consider Conv5.

cd motif_interaction/script

bash run_search_maxact.sh 5 5 ../configs/interaction/hl_predictor.yaml  

bash run_fragment_location.sh 5 ../configs/interaction/hl_predictor.yaml 

The output file can be found in motif_interaction/fragment_location/hl_predictor. Take conv5_neuron2_fragment_location.yaml for example.

Seq9510_0: 86
Seq9519_0: 702
Seq9588_0: 5373
Seq9751_0: 1139
Seq9776_0: 2582
Seq9832_0: 2111
Seq9913_0: 2007
Seq9978_0: 1018

Seq9510_0: 86 means that the sequence slice between the 86th and 157st nucleotides of the 9,510th sequence in the training set can activate conv5_neuron2. Because the receptive field of conv5 is 72, the length of the sequence slice is 72nt.

Motif mutagenesis

We assume that conv5_neuron2 has learned the combination of TGTANA and GGAC, and the sequence slices in conv5_neuron2_fragment_location.yaml are very likely to contain the corresponding motif combination. Then we filter the sequence slices containing the motif pair from conv5_neuron2_fragment_location.yaml and perform motif mutagenesis on these sequence. Finally we perform a Wilcoxon signed-rank test on their model predictions.

Motif mutagenesis

bash run_scr.sh 5 0 64 ../configs/interaction/hl_predictor.yaml

The results can be found in motif_interaction/results/scramble_res/hl_predicto.


  1. Agarwal, Vikram, and David R. Kelley. "The genetic and biochemical determinants of mRNA degradation rates in mammals." Genome Biology 23.1 (2022): 245.

  2. Wei, Zheng, et al. "NeuronMotif: Deciphering cis-regulatory codes by layer-wise demixing of deep neural networks." _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 120.15 (2023): e2216698120.

  3. Shrikumar, Avanti, et al. "Technical note on transcription factor motif discovery from importance scores (TF-MoDISco) version 0.5. 6.5." _arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.00416_ (2018).