
face profile augmentation in 3ddfa. profile face synthesis from frontal face


A python implementation of the face profiling described in the 3DDFA paper. The older version of this implementation can be found in the branch ``face3d". Then I migrate everything to FLAME[2] face model as I found it's easy to obtain and their code to fit 2d landmarks performs well.


  1. Install required envs the same as in [2] or following there
  2. add my folk of [2] as a submodule
git clone https://github.com/zengxianyu/facepf.git
cd facepf
git submodule init
git submodule update
  1. run the script (you may change the angles in line 81 to get the result after rotation of desired angles)
cd photometric_optimization
python image_renderer.py

How to get the npy file

Following there


Input image and output after inplane rotation:


[1] 3DDFA. cleardusk/3DDFA#182

[2] FLAME photometric optimization. https://github.com/HavenFeng/photometric_optimization