
code for our paper

Primary LanguageMATLAB

code for the paper "An unsupervised game-theoretic approach to saliency detection", accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Stage1: Saliency Game

run stage1.m (gop proposals should be provided as .mat file, run stage1_nogop.m for the one without gop proposals.)

run stage1_vgg.m for the one use deep features, e.g., VGG features. Deep features should be provided as .mat file.

stage2: Iterative Random Walk

run stage2.m to fuse the results using deep features and the results using color features.


    author = {Yu Zeng, Mengyang Feng, Huchuan Lu, and Ali Borji},
    title = {An Unsupervised Game-theoretic Approach to Saliency Detection},
    booktitle = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
    year = {2018}}