shadowsocks-heroku is a lightweight tunnel proxy which can help you get through firewalls. It is a port of shadowsocks, but through a different protocol.
shadowsocks-heroku uses WebSocket instead of raw sockets, so it can be deployed on Heroku.
Notice that the protocol is INCOMPATIBLE with the origin shadowsocks.
$ cd shadowsocks-herokuapp //在项目中打开一个shell并进入到解压的项目中
$ heroku login //登录你的heroku账号
$ heroku create yourappname //或者直接在heroku 的网页后台创建app
$ git init
$ heroku git:remote -a yourappname
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "make it better"
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku config:set METHOD=rc4 KEY=foobar
Supported Ciphers //支持以下几种加密方式
- rc4
- rc4-md5
- table
- bf-cfb
- des-cfb
- rc2-cfb
- idea-cfb
- seed-cfb
- cast5-cfb
- aes-128-cfb
- aes-192-cfb
- aes-256-cfb
- camellia-256-cfb
- camellia-192-cfb
- camellia-128-cfb
$ npm install //本地安装
$ node local.js -s yorappname.herokuapp.com -l 1080 -m rc4 -k foobar -r 80
server listening at { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 1080 }
Change proxy settings of your browser into:
If there is something wrong, you can check the logs by:
$ heroku logs -t --app yourappname