
Algorithm implements for lecture Reinforcement Learning in University of Edinburgh.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This python library is meant to help the students doing Reinforcement Learning in University of Edinburgh. Basic algorithms mentioned in the lecture or on the textbook would be implemented. You are encouraged to tune the parameters in the algorithm to test your understanding or even implement your own agent. Note: It's still an unstable version. API might change later on. And Docs are still incompelte. Also here is a pointer to another popular repo for implementing these alogorithms.

Clone this repo and install rlp.

git clone https://github.com/JZ95/RLPractical.git
cd RLPractical
python setup.py install

or use develop mode:

python setup.py develop

open python shell, and type command import rlp to test if install successfully.


10-Armed Bandit DEMO

from rlp.multi_armed_bandits.envs import MultiArmedBandit
from rlp.multi_armed_bandits.agents import EpsGreedy

means = np.random.normal(0, 1, 10)               # assign mean rewards for 10 arms
stds = np.ones(10)                               # assign std for 10 arms
initQ = np.zeros(10)                         	 # assign inital action-value estimates Q0

bandit = MultiArmedBandit(k=10, means=means, stds=stds)
agent = EpsGreedy(eps=0.1, Q0=initQ)             # build eps(0.1)-greedy agent

# run agent 1000 timesteps
for _ in range(1000):
    At = agent.action()                          # agent selects action
    Rt = bandit.act(At)                          # environment gives reward based on agent's action
    agent.set_experience(Rt)                     # agent reveives reward and updates status

Dynamic Programming Grid World DEMO

from rlp.dynamic_programming.solver import DPGridWorldSolver
from rlp.dynamic_programming.base import DPGridWorldAgent, DPGridWorldEnv

agent = DPGridWorldAgent(5, 5, discountRatio=0.99)             # build a dp gridword agent, set discountRatio as 0.99
env_model = DPGridWorldEnv(5, 5, terminals=[(0, 0), (4, 4)])   # build a dp gridword environment, set terminal state as (0, 0) and (4, 4)
solver = DPGridWorldSolver(agent, env_model)                   # build a dp solver

stats = {}
for k in range(10):                                            # run policy iteration
    solver.policy_eval()                                       # policy evaluation
    solver.policy_improve()                                    # policy improvment
    values = solver.agent.V
    policy = solver.agent.policy

    stats[k] = (values, policy)                                # record result

Monte Carlo Method


TD Methods




Function Approximation


Gradient Policy Methods


Run Notebooks

Make sure you have jupyter installed on your machine. After installing rlp, open NoteBook Server.

jupyter notebook

Open an another shell and

cd notebooks

See the notebooks and have fun.
